Expanding the Perception Box Through Neuromodulation-Assisted Ego-Disengagement

INSTITUTION: The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System


CO-INVESTIGATOR: Melanie Boly (University of Wisconsin)



Using meditation and noninvasive tools, this study will seek to help people open their minds and let go of their self-centered thoughts, allowing them to see things in a new and broader way.


This project aims to explore the concept of ego disengagement and its potential for promoting well-being and compassion. A closing or narrowing of everyone’s perception box, which depends on the wiring of the parts of our brain that underlie consciousness, is believed to contribute to suffering and insensitivity. By temporarily suspending the influence of the self and self-related thoughts, transformative experiences can occur. However, achieving ego disengagement typically requires extensive meditation training. The project proposes using a non-invasive electrical stimulation tool to modulate neural activity in areas responsible for self-awareness and facilitate ego disengagement. Basic meditation training will be paired with neuromodulation to induce ego disengagement in non-expert meditators and measure the resulting effects on openness and well-being. If successful, the research may lead to the development of a portable device that allows anyone to safely experience the therapeutic benefits of ego disengagement.


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